Radiotherapy protection and shielding blocks
Radiotherapy protection and shielding blocks

Cerroshield alloy for the radiotherapy
For radiotherapy protection, the most useful alloys contain high concentration in Bismuth with Lead, Tin and Cadmium.
The low melting temperature and the unique expansion and retraction characteristics of these alloys allow a large scale of useful applications much more than any other type of alloys.
Bertrandias Brand within the Group Metaconcept has developped a specific fusible alloy dedicated to the protection in radiotherapy : Cerroshield, an eutectic 96 °C alloy without cadmium of the CERRO range. There are low melting point alloys with dilatation and contraction while cooling down. Diffferent shapes are available.
The Metaconcept Group stay at your disposal for the TDS for Cerroshield to use our alloy properly as radiotherapy protection.
Depending on the alloys and its application, the use will be specific. In every case, it is necessary to melt the metal in a crucible. Melt the alloy about 20°C more than the liquidus temperature. If you need any more technical details, please contact us.