META 33 Sn33 - Pb67 stick - Sn33Pb67 stick

META 28 Sn28 - Pb72 stick - Sn28Pb72 stick
Ref. : FE054994
META 33 Sn33 - Pb67 stick - Sn33Pb67 stick

META 33 rod, made from 33% tin and 67% lead, is specially designed to provide a robust, long-lasting solder joint. This lead-rich alloy ensures excellent fluidity and optimum adhesion, perfectly meeting the needs of professionals seeking reliability and performance in their applications.


Conditionnement :

25 kg bundle

Solidus – Liquidus :

183°C – 243°C

Densité g/cm3 :


Dimensions :

450 x 10 x 4 x 7 mm

Composition :

Sn33 – Pb67

Poids :

226 g
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